Building what we love
We are the aggregation of 30 years of engineering activities. Our management has many years of international experience in the direction, management and control of Major Works around the world, as well as in the management of leading Construction and Engineering Companies. Therefore, we are able to implement infrastructure, construction and telecommunications projects with innovative processes and technologies that are mindful of environmental, social and management sustainability.
Our commitment is aimed at anticipating and satisfying our Clients' demands through reliability, versatility and excellence in our activities. Constant innovation and technological research have enabled us to develop diversified skills in the various sectors: Infrastructure, Construction, Urban Regeneration, TLC, Environment, Energy Saving. Special attention is also paid to the development of human resources, including through customized training projects functional to the development of new business areas.
Renova Red is ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 39001:2012, ISO 5001:2018, ISO 37001:2016, ISO 2600:2010, UNI PdR 125:2022 and SA 8000:2014 certified. The company is SOA certified in the OG1 and OS19 categories, has adopted the company's organization, management and control model exD.Lgs. No.231/2001 and holds the bronze certification for "Sustainability Rating".
Renova Red S.p.A.
Registered Office: Piazzale delle Province 8 (RM) 00162
Tel: +39 06.97848755
Office of Rome: Largo dei Lombardi 4 - (RM) 00186
Office of Cesena: Via Uberti 48 - (FC) 47521
Tel: +39 0547.1981250